Granite counter tops throughout.
Hardwood Beach Alder Cabinets.
Stainless steel under-mount sink in kitchen.
Lined overhead cabinets in kitchen.
Deluxe gas range.
Range hood with light.
Brushed nickel faucets.
Single piece fiberglass tub/shower.
6 panel interior doors.
2" X 6" exterior walls.
R-33 floor insulation.
R-38 roof insulation.
Low "E" dual glaze windows throughout.
Steel front door.
Cement facia, vertical siding, and soffit.
4/12 pitch roof
MH Advantage Home Standards.
Creekside Manor
Granite counter tops throughout.
Stainless steel under-mount sink in kitchen.
Lined overhead cabinets in kitchen.
Deluxe gas range.
Range hood with light.
Brushed nickel faucets.
Single piece fiberglass tub/shower.
Low "E" dual glaze windows throughout.
Steel front door.
Cement facia, vertical siding, and soffit.
R-13 wall insulation.
R-22 ceiling insulation.